by f3gold | Mar 2, 2020 | Company Happenings, Industry News, Stakeholders
COMPANY HAPPENINGS F3 gold at the capitol Brian Lentz, Vice President May 2017 F3 Gold meets with state leaders, attends School of Mines Day at the Capitol. F3 Gold visited the South Dakota State Capitol to meet with government officials and attend the School of Mines... by f3gold | Feb 10, 2020 | Community, Company Happenings, Environmental Stewardship, Project, Stakeholders
COMPANY HAPPENINGS public comment period ends – what’s next for f3’s Black Hills project? Brian Lentz Vice President, F3 Gold On February 6 the U.S. Forest Service wrapped up its public comment period on our exploratory drilling proposal, which they... by f3gold | Jul 9, 2019 | Community, Company Happenings, Partners, Stakeholders
COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Inspiring The Next Generation With SCIENCE! F3 Continues 2nd Year Of Partnership With YMCA Sponsoring Youth, Teaching Geology At Giraffic Park Summer Day Camp Rob Bergman President, F3 Gold F3 Gold is excited to share that we’ve renewed... by f3gold | Jun 13, 2019 | Community, Company Happenings, Partners, Project, Stakeholders
Pierre, SD June 4th, 2019 A Fun & Informative Visit To The South Dakota Capitol Earlier this month, F3 Gold founders Rob Bergmann and Brian Lentz traveled to Pierre, South Dakota to meet with top leaders in state government; Governor Kristi Noem, and Secretary of... by f3gold | Apr 5, 2019 | Community, Company Happenings
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT F3 Holds Silver City Town Hall Meeting: A Chance to Listen, Share Information, & Open A Dialogue With Area Residents Brian Lentz Vice President, F3 Gold As winter recedes and we head into the busy, warm months of the year, our presence in the... by f3gold | Aug 20, 2018 | Community, Company Happenings
Brian Lentz Vice-President, F3 Gold Sharing Pie In Silver City TO SUPPORT FIREFIGHTERS This past summer our team spent many countless in the field putting in hard work, however we believe in still making time for family, friends, and community. We really enjoyed...