by f3gold | Jan 21, 2021 | Environmental Stewardship
COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP small-scale, limited impact exploration Why F3 Gold supports Environmental Assessments for exploration drilling projects Rob Bergman President, F3 Gold Environmental Assessments for small-scale drilling? We say yes. Here’s why. For those... by f3gold | May 25, 2020 | Environmental Stewardship, Exploration, Industry News
COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Why mineral exploration poses no risk to rapid creek F3 Gold’s Rob Bergmann spoke with South Dakota Public Broadcasting’s Seth Tupper about the safety of exploratory drilling in the Black Hills Rob Bergmann President, F3 Gold A group... by f3gold | Feb 10, 2020 | Community, Company Happenings, Environmental Stewardship, Project, Stakeholders
COMPANY HAPPENINGS public comment period ends – what’s next for f3’s Black Hills project? Brian Lentz Vice President, F3 Gold On February 6 the U.S. Forest Service wrapped up its public comment period on our exploratory drilling proposal, which they... by f3gold | Sep 21, 2018 | Environmental Stewardship, Partners
F3 & Barr Engineering Partner on Water Quality Brian Lentz Vice-President, F3 Gold A Strong Environmental Focus IN RAPID CREEK F3 Gold selects Barr Engineering to conduct water quality baseline studies within the Rapid Creek drainage basin. Rapid Creek is a...