by f3gold | May 25, 2020 | Environmental Stewardship, Exploration, Industry News
COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Why mineral exploration poses no risk to rapid creek F3 Gold’s Rob Bergmann spoke with South Dakota Public Broadcasting’s Seth Tupper about the safety of exploratory drilling in the Black Hills Rob Bergmann President, F3 Gold A group... by f3gold | Apr 6, 2020 | Community, Industry News, Safety
COMPANY HAPPENINGS Global pandemic highlights the strength of people, the fragility of the global economy Rob Bergmann, President As the global COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, our focus at F3 Gold remains on the well-being of our people – the staff, partners... by f3gold | Jan 2, 2020 | Exploration, Infographic, Project
PROJECT INFOGRAPHIC What Is Exploratory Drilling? Also known as diamond core drilling, this precision exploration technique enables scientists to sample and study deep, subsurface rocks without invasive excavation. Rob Bergmann President, F3 Gold Understanding The... by f3gold | Jun 13, 2019 | Community, Company Happenings, Partners, Project, Stakeholders
Pierre, SD June 4th, 2019 A Fun & Informative Visit To The South Dakota Capitol Earlier this month, F3 Gold founders Rob Bergmann and Brian Lentz traveled to Pierre, South Dakota to meet with top leaders in state government; Governor Kristi Noem, and Secretary of... by f3gold | Apr 5, 2019 | Community, Company Happenings
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT F3 Holds Silver City Town Hall Meeting: A Chance to Listen, Share Information, & Open A Dialogue With Area Residents Brian Lentz Vice President, F3 Gold As winter recedes and we head into the busy, warm months of the year, our presence in the...