by f3gold | Nov 16, 2020 | Industry News
COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP exploration without a trace! How F3 Gold’s Jenny Gulch mineral exploration project will leave no lasting environmental impacts Rob Bergman President, F3 Gold f3 Gold’s jenny gulch Exploration Project will leave no trace There is a lot...
by f3gold | Jul 28, 2020 | Industry News
COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Gold in tech Yesterday’s Status Symbol Is Tomorrow’s Most Critical Technology Component Rob Bergman President, F3 Gold Gold is more than a status symbol. Gold is an important material that multiple industries rely on and it continues to be a...
by f3gold | Jun 30, 2020 | Exploration, Industry News
COMPANY HAPPENINGS Gold is the future Brian Lentz, Vice President Why the Green Economy will create more exploration and mining. As we enter a new decade, we are faced with a variety of scientific and environmental challenges. The demand for a safer and cleaner...
by f3gold | May 25, 2020 | Environmental Stewardship, Exploration, Industry News
COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP Why mineral exploration poses no risk to rapid creek F3 Gold’s Rob Bergmann spoke with South Dakota Public Broadcasting’s Seth Tupper about the safety of exploratory drilling in the Black Hills Rob Bergmann President, F3 Gold A group...
by f3gold | Apr 6, 2020 | Community, Industry News, Safety
COMPANY HAPPENINGS Global pandemic highlights the strength of people, the fragility of the global economy Rob Bergmann, President As the global COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, our focus at F3 Gold remains on the well-being of our people – the staff, partners...