Exploration of Jenny GUlch

Rob Bergmann, President
What exactly is Exploration?
From time to time when we’re out in the field we hear from people who are interested to learn more about our exploration work in the Black Hills. More often than not when we get into a conversation we get asked some variation of, “what exactly is exploration and what specifically are you guys doing?”
The general answer to the first question is that mineral exploration is the scientific process through which geologists look for and analyze clues to better understand what minerals might be beneath the Earth’s surface. In the case of F3 Gold, we’re specifically exploring in the Black Hills in search of a world-class gold deposit.
Our Exploration Activities
F3 Gold has already conducted early stage exploration in the Black Hills. In early phases of discovery (phases 1 through 4 on the chart below) our work was conducted at the surface.
This work consisted of:
- Mapping the rocks and geology
- Collecting soil, rock and water samples for testing
- Creating maps and interpreting data
- Analyzing minerals through the microscope
- Compiling 3D, geostatistical and vector models
- Collecting geophysical data

Based on the results of this early work F3 Gold applied to the US Forest Service for a permit to conduct exploratory drilling in the Jenny Gulch area.
Our permit, which is under review by the USFS, will allow us to collect rock core samples through a process called diamond core drilling. Collecting core samples will allow our geologists to study the area “at depth” and begin to form a clearer picture of the size and scope of any potential underground mineral deposits we may find.